How Do We Price Our Services

by | Business

General Background 08

Pricing design services is a dilemma that all web designers face. It can be very difficult to put a monetary value on our time and our experience.

Unfortunately, pricing our services is not an exact science. We need to consider a lot of factors in order to price a project correctly. And we may find that we need to price different projects in a different way so that we are compensated fairly.

In this article, I would like speak about the factors we consider when pricing our web design services.

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Jet Lee

I am a WordPress developer. I love coding and I am very passionate of what I do. I have been working for more than ten years with WordPress, developing content management system (CMS), ecommerce, membership, and LMS websites for clients ranging from online start-ups to corporations. I create professional websites with emphasis on form and function with an aim to keep it simple and straightforward.